“All included”: Standardized globalization
In almost any hotel in highly touristy areas, with the exception of the most elite, and regardless of its location (be it the Canaries, the Caribbean or Cape Cod), the “All Included” system, which is currently enjoying huge success, is disastrous for gastronomic restaurants.
The worst part isn’t that the buffets are lined with enormous quantities of frozen products always healthily scorched for our pleasure but rather the consequences of this practice.
Serious questions arise:
Do the chefs who organize the buffets in these luxury oases end up permanently remaining in this culinary vulgarity?
What can the young people learn from working in these factories that are so lacking in criteria and culinary rigor?
Do the chefs of these establishments have any motivation other than a strictly pecuniary one?
This approach of merely satisfying hunger–doesn’t it foment a move away from culture toward bad taste?
Are the “All Included” multinationals with their stomachaches from all the free table-scraps they give to the poor unsuspecting and uprooted tourists simply trying to lock their clients up in these luxury cells for more profit?
Is it possible for artisan, personal restaurants to survive in the “All Included” holiday territories?