

Langostino en costra de patata con risotto de brotes de soja
Joachim Koerper
Country: Portugal
City: 1070 Lisboa
Address: Rua Marquês de Fronteira, Jardín Amália Rodrígues.
(+351) 3862211
Closed: Sundays and holidays
Price: 80/150 €
Tasting menu:: 85 €

This is the restaurant project of Joachim Koerper’s dreams. Inaugurated in November, 2004, under the initiative of eleven aficionados of fine gastronomy including the exclusive Quinta Das Lagrimas restaurant and hotel group who preside over some of the most reputable establishments in Lisbon, Coimbra and Oporto (they have set out to make this, one gathers, the flagship of their fleet – at the forefront of Portuguese dining establishments).