La Buena Olla Fuentesaúco Chickpeas

Legumbres Montes, S.L.
Country: Spain
City: 37427 La Vellés (Salamanca)
Address: Ctra de Pedrosillano, 8.
(+34) 923354007eusebio@legumbresmontes.com
Price: Retail price per kilo: Around 3.60 €
This, the highest quality legume company in Castilla-Leon, sells stellar products grown in various parts of the region like these chickpeas, of which there are three varieties: Pedrosillano, Lechoso and Fuentesaúco.
The latter, grown on a 9 ha. parcel in the region with the organic seal of approval from Manuel Tola, truly stand out. They differ from the Pedrosillano by their beauty, with a lighter tonality, more white, and by their creamy texture, dissolving in the mouth like butter. They have an incredible flavor that builds on the palate. What’s more, the skin is almost imperceptible, preserving the bean intact as long as they are not overcooked.