
Bodegas Campos

Juan Gutierrez
Juan Gutierrez
Nazionalita: Spain
Localita: 14002 Córdoba
Indirizzo: Los Lineros, 32
Chiusura:: Domenica sera
Prezzo: 40/60 €
Menu di degustazione: 49 €

  • Fritura de merluza al limón
  • Fritura de merluza al limón
  • Ensalada molinera de naranja
  • Ensalada molinera de naranja
  • Ajo blanco con langostinos, escarola escabechada y uvas finalizado
  • Ajo blanco con langostinos, escarola escabechada y uvas finalizado
  • Rape asado con ensalada
  • Rape asado con ensalada

Much more than a restaurant, it is a beautiful, charming establishment in which the architecture and traditional surroundings of Cordoba are expressed in all their splendor. To such a point that it is visited daily by more than 250 guests attracted by the brand and, of course, by the intelligently modernized dishes with their deep roots in southern Spanish tradition. Popular proposals that are refined and light, but maintain their idiosyncrasy. This is the case with the rustic salmorejo with notes of bread, incorporating a delightful creaminess as well as the stunning addition of a copious serving of cured ham, hardboiled egg, radishes and grapes. That perfect synthesis between inherited culture and palatable renovation is found in the fried fish: the hake, for example, is crispy and juicy, only subtly impregnated with a light lemon dressing. The monkfish or kingklip, or the Basque fresh anchovies for that matter, cooked in brand new digital fryers using extra virgin olive oil marvelously demonstrate this exquisite technical application. The cod salad with orange manages to naturally and precisely express feelings that are utterly Andalusian. The pringá croquettes (a mixture of stewed meat, sausage and bacon, usually served on toast) with roast peppers combines technique, both in the béchamel as well as the breading, with flavor, generously enriched along the way. The ajoblanco (chilled almond soup) with grapes, asparagus and langoustines treasures familiar, contrasting flavors with delicacy and balance. Like the fried version, the monkfish filets were incredibly juicy, served roasted and garnished with a salad predominated by crushed tomatoes. They have on hand an ample array of fresh Iberian pork (head, filet, cheeks, etc…) offered with substantial, historic sauces and purees: potato, quince jelly, cauliflower… all well developed. In short, ancestral dishes in consonance with general tastes, but distinguished and rejuvenated in their essence. This same trend is manifest in the elegant desserts, always gratifying and in some cases downright indulgent. The playful orange “salad” with olive oil is a preamble to the leche frita with lime ice cream or arroz con leche, prepared with all the creaminess of the Asturian version and, if possible, topped with even more indulgence.
One should keep in mind the assortment of hors d’oeuvres that can be enjoyed in the vestry after visiting the different “houses” that make up this sprawling space. There is also a bar where guests can have more casual tapas, including some of these specialties.