Snert with white truffle

Snert with white truffle
De Librije
Cuisinier: Jonnie Boer
Pays: Holland
Localité: 8011 TW Zwolle
Adresse: Broerenkerkplein, 13
(+31) 0384232329

Black garlic Spirelli
• 100 g black garlic and chicken broth
• 1 g agar
• Squid ink

Pork belly
• Cut thin slices of pork belly and place them onto the sherry jelly.

Sherry jelly
• 1 bottle of sherry
• 6 g agar
• 45 g Vegetal gelifier

Snert (Dutch pea soup)
• 500 g pork ribs
• 50 g bacon
• Half celery root
• 1 little onion
• 1 little leek
• 1 little carrot
• 500 g broken peas
• 1 dl milk

Ceps powder
• 500 g dried and grinded ceps

• 300 g chervil
• 200 g grinded beef
• 100 g methyl
Cook at 135º C for 15 minutes

Turnip and carrot marbles
Turnip puree
• 1 kg celery root roughly cut in brunoise
• 150 g cream
• 1 garlic clove
• 75 g fatty salt pork
• 1 bunch thyme
• 7 g salt

Carrot puree
• 1 kg wild carrots
• 1 garlic clove
• 1 bunch thyme
• 7 g salt

Mass 1 kg puree:
• 100 g Instant gel
• 10 g agar
• Cook in cold oil

“Sand” of black rice
• Cook wild black rice, dry, toast and reduce to powder.

• Cook in the Thermomix at 60º C, add calcium, allow to cool and give an alginate bath.

White truffle

Las Verduras de un Suquet de Cabracho, Espardeñas y Almejas con Hojas y Flores y Alioli al Azafrán

Las Verduras de un Suquet de Cabracho, Espardeñas y Almejas con Hojas y Flores y
La Sirena
Cuisinier: Mari Carmen Vélez
Pays: España
Localité: 03610 Petrer (Alicante)
Adresse: Avda. de Madrid, 14
(+34) 965376315



Para el suquet de cabracho:

Morralla, cangrejos blancos
Puerro, chirivía, apio, perejil



  1. Hacer un fumet con la morralla, cebolla, puerro, apio y perejil. No demasiada agua, 15 min.
  2. Dorar las cabezas y espinas de los cabrachos en abundante aceite de oliva virgen suave. Colar este aceite y reservar para montar luego el alioli. Añadir los cangrejos blancos y dar unas vueltas. Incorporarlo al fumet.
  3. Sofreír los ajos, la ñora, el pan, los frutos secos y el tomate. Al final añadir el pimentón. Majar en un mortero y añadir al fumet. Cocer 5 min. Colar.


Para las verduras, hojas y flores:

Zanahoria mini
Bulbo de hinojo
Espárragos verdes
Judías anchas o tirabeques
(Cocer muy brevemente estas verduras en el fumet.)
Patatas (confitar en aceite con unos dientes de ajo que luego servirán para montar el alioli)
Cebollita tierna (marcar en una sartén antiadherente con unas gotas de aceite)
Espinaca tetragone
Acelga roja
Diente de león
Puerros laminados
Flor de capuchina
(Secar o freír algunas hojas para que estén crocantes y dejar otras al natural).


Para el alioli de azafrán:

Aceite (de freír el cabracho)
Ajos (confitados)
Yema de huevo
Azafrán, limón, sal


Tostar el azafrán y diluir en un poquito de agua templada. Infusionar.
Montar el alioli con el resto de ingredientes y un poquito de esta agua de azafrán.


Para la salsa-vinagreta de suquet:

Reducir el suquet y montar la salsa con un poco de aceite y aceto balsámico.





Acabado y presentación:

Entibiar las verduras, asar las espardeñas y abrir las almejas al vapor. Marcar la carne del cabracho en sartén y disponer todos los elementos en el plato. Salsear con la salsa vinagreta del suquet y acompañar con el alioli de azafrán.

Snert with white truffle

Snert with white truffle
De Librije
Cuisinier: Jonnie Boer
Pays: Holland
Localité: 8011 TW Zwolle
Adresse: Broerenkerkplein, 13
(+31) 0384232329

Black garlic Spirelli
• 100 g black garlic and chicken broth
• 1 g agar
• Squid ink

Pork belly
• Cut thin slices of pork belly and place them onto the sherry jelly.

Sherry jelly
• 1 bottle of sherry
• 6 g agar
• 45 g Vegetal gelifier

Snert (Dutch pea soup)
• 500 g pork ribs
• 50 g bacon
• Half celery root
• 1 little onion
• 1 little leek
• 1 little carrot
• 500 g broken peas
• 1 dl milk

Ceps powder
• 500 g dried and grinded ceps

• 300 g chervil
• 200 g grinded beef
• 100 g methyl
135º C for 15 minutes

Turnip and carrot marbles
Turnip puree
• 1 kg celery root roughly cut in brunoise
• 150 g cream
• 1 garlic clove
• 75 g fatty salt pork
• 1 bunch thyme
• 7 g salt

Carrot puree
• 1 kg wild carrots
• 1 garlic clove
• 1 bunch thyme
• 7 g salt

Mass 1 kg puree:
• 100 g de Sosa gel
• 10 g agar
• Cook in cold oil

“Sand” of black rice
• Cook wild black rice, dry, toast and reduce to powder.

• Cook in the Thermomix at 60º C, add calcium, allow to cool and give an alginate bath.

White truffle

Snert with white truffle

Snert with white truffle
De Librije
Cuisinier: Jonnie Boer
Pays: Holland
Localité: 8011 TW Zwolle
Adresse: Broerenkerkplein, 13
(+31) 0384232329

Black garlic Spirelli
• 100 g black garlic and chicken broth
• 1 g agar
• Squid ink

Pork belly
• Cut thin slices of pork belly and place them onto the sherry jelly.

Sherry jelly
• 1 bottle of sherry
• 6 g agar
• 45 g Vegetal gelifier

Snert (Dutch pea soup)
• 500 g pork ribs
• 50 g bacon
• Half celery root
• 1 little onion
• 1 little leek
• 1 little carrot
• 500 g broken peas
• 1 dl milk

Ceps powder
• 500 g dried and grinded ceps

• 300 g chervil
• 200 g grinded beef
• 100 g methyl
135º C for 15 minutes

Turnip and carrot marbles
Turnip puree
• 1 kg celery root roughly cut in brunoise
• 150 g cream
• 1 garlic clove
• 75 g fatty salt pork
• 1 bunch thyme
• 7 g salt

Carrot puree
• 1 kg wild carrots
• 1 garlic clove
• 1 bunch thyme
• 7 g salt

Mass 1 kg puree:
• 100 g de Sosa gel
• 10 g agar
• Cook in cold oil

“Sand” of black rice
• Cook wild black rice, dry, toast and reduce to powder.

• Cook in the Thermomix at 60º C, add calcium, allow to cool and give an alginate bath.

White truffle

Snert with white truffle

Snert with white truffle
De Librije
Cuisinier: Jonnie Boer
Pays: Holland
Localité: 8011 TW Zwolle
Adresse: Broerenkerkplein, 13
(+31) 0384232329

Black garlic Spirelli
• 100 g black garlic and chicken broth
• 1 g agar
• Squid ink

Pork belly
• Cut thin slices of pork belly and place them onto the sherry jelly.

Sherry jelly
• 1 bottle of sherry
• 6 g agar
• 45 g Vegetal gelifier

Snert (Dutch pea soup)
• 500 g pork ribs
• 50 g bacon
• Half celery root
• 1 little onion
• 1 little leek
• 1 little carrot
• 500 g broken peas
• 1 dl milk

Ceps powder
• 500 g dried and grinded ceps

• 300 g chervil
• 200 g grinded beef
• 100 g methyl
135º C for 15 minutes

Turnip and carrot marbles
Turnip puree
• 1 kg celery root roughly cut in brunoise
• 150 g cream
• 1 garlic clove
• 75 g fatty salt pork
• 1 bunch thyme
• 7 g salt

Carrot puree
• 1 kg wild carrots
• 1 garlic clove
• 1 bunch thyme
• 7 g salt

Mass 1 kg puree:
• 100 g de Sosa gel
• 10 g agar
• Cook in cold oil

“Sand” of black rice
• Cook wild black rice, dry, toast and reduce to powder.

• Cook in the Thermomix at 60º C, add calcium, allow to cool and give an alginate bath.

White truffle

Cañas: Mojito y Caipiriña

Cañas: Mojito y Caipiriña
El Bulli
Cuisinier: Ferran Adriá
Pays: España
Localité: 17480 Roses (Girona)
Adresse: Cala Montjoi, a 7km. del centro urbano
(+34) 972150457

Queremos premiar una faceta, otra más, en la que Ferran Adrià ha hecho historia: la coctelería masticable. Desde hace ya muchos años viene abriendo sus interminables menús con unos atractivos combinados sólidos, más o menos sólidos, pues la evanescencia táctil es una de las cualidades siempre desarrolladas por el genio de Roses, al igual que la inmaculabilidad sápida. Nunca olvidaremos la originalísima y exquisita versión del gin fizz, del primer gin fizz, del que una noche nos tomamos cinco, puesto que ahora hay otra, titulada nieve-fizz, muy tecno, que se coge con la mano y se medio rompe antes de llegar a la boca. Una joya como cualquiera de los cincuenta bocados degustados este año en El Bulli. Nieve fizz, cactus margarita, cosmopolitan: té de uva y casis, Campari con cacahuetes miméticos... y el mejor, perdón, el más genial, cañas: mojito y caipiriña. El más genial y el que más nos gusta, aunque en eso hay algo de subjetividad, bien sabido es que amamos la caipiriña y el mojito, el mojito y la caipiriña, tragos en los que nos hemos doctorado en nuestros viajes a Brasil y Cuba. Cientos y hasta miles de caipiriñas y mojitos que han quedado minimizados por la exquisitez sápida del mejor cocinero de la historia. Nunca un mojito o una caipiriña nos supieron tan bien, ni por asomo. Cientos y hasta miles de caipiriñas y mojitos que, si marcan la diferencia palatal, además la marcan conceptualmente. El alquimista de las texturas les ha aportado otro ser, un cuerpo, una consistencia, la caña de azúcar. “Palos” de caña impregnados de tan exóticos y refrescantes sabores. Esos palos se chupan y se extrae plácidamente el gusto de los cócteles. Más que chupar procede masticar la caña, de la que brota, embriagador, el jugo del mojito y de la caipiriña, deparando una sensación mágica, que nos hace imaginar un paraje idílico apurando la felicidad.

La Recette


Para los rectángulos de caña de azúcar
5 trozos de caña de azúcar fresca de 20cm de longitud

Para las cañas de mojito
10 rectángulos de caña de azúcar (elab ant)
150 g de ron añejo
15 hojas de menta fresca
1 bolsa de vacío

Para las cañas de caipiriña
10 rectángulos de caña de azúcar (elaboración anterior)
150 g de cachaça
1 bolsa de vacío

20 g de azúcar demerara
5 g de ácido cítrico granulado
50 g de zumo de lima
Ralladura de piel de lima
10 hojas de menta fresca
1000 g de hielo pilé


Rectángulos de caña de azúcar:

1. Con la ayuda de una sierra, cortar las cañas de azúcar siguiendo sus separaciones naturales, que en este caso no deben ser inferiores a 8 cm.
2. Con la ayuda de un cuchillo, cortar la corteza de la caña de azúcar con el fin de pelarla.
3. Cortar el interior tierno en rectángulos de 7 cm de longitud y 1 cm de lado.
4. Debemos obtener 20 rectángulos de caña de azúcar.

Cañas de mojito:

1. Introducir en una bolsa de vacío los rectángulos de caña de azúcar, el ron añejo y las hojas de menta.
2. Envasar al 100% de vacío y guardar en la nevera durante 24 horas.

Cañas de caipiriña:

1. Introducir en una bolsa de vacío los rectángulos de caña de azúcar y la cachaça.
2. Envasar al 100% de vacío y guardar en la nevera durante 24 horas.


1. Sacar los dos tipos de cañas de su líquido.
2. Con la ayuda de una puntilla, hacer un corte a las cañas de mojito en la parte superior y en vertical de 1’5 cm, y dentro de éste insertar una hoja de menta fresca de manera que quede centrada.
3. Esparcir por encima de todas las cañas un poco de azúcar demerara y ralladura de piel y zumo de lima.
4. En las cañas de mojito disponer 2 cristales de ácido cítrico.
5. Llenar dos maceteros de plato con el hielo pilé y en cada uno clavar 5 cañas de mojito y 5 de caipiriña.


MANERA DE DEGUSTARLO: Coger las cañas y chuparlas masticando para extraer todo el jugo del cóctel. La caña no se come.

Canes: Mojito and Caipirinha

Canes: Mojito and Caipirinha
El Bulli
Cuisinier: Ferran Adriá
Pays: Spain
Localité: 17480 Roses (Girona)
Adresse: Cala Montjoi, a 7km. del centro urbano
(+34) 972150457

We’d like to award another facet of Ferran Adrià by which he has yet again made history: the edible cocktail. For many years now he has begun his endless tasting menus with attractive cocktails that were more or less solid, tactile evanescence being one of the qualities that the genius from Roses has always worked on developing, that and sapid immaculateness. We could never forget the original, exquisite version of the gin fizz, the first gin fizz, and a night in which we had five in a row, but now there is another that has taken its place, given the name snow-fizz, very techno, that is consumed by hand and is half broken by the time it reaches your mouth. A jewel like any of the other fifty dishes tasted this year at El Bulli. Snow-fizz, cactus margarita, cosmopolitan: grape and currant tea, Campari with peanut-mimetics… and the best, excuse us, the most brilliant, “canes”: mojito and caipirinha. The most brilliant and the one we liked the most, although that may be subjective, since so much of why we love the caipirinha and mojito stems from the gorgeous drinks we remember from our trips to Brazil and Cuba. Hundreds and even thousands of caipirinhas and mojitos have been put to shame by the exquisite versions presented to us by the best chef in history. Never has a mojito or caipirinha tasted so good, not even close. Hundreds and even thousands of caipirinhas and mojitos have been not only overshadowed in terms of palate but in concept as well. The alchemist of textures has given them another being, another body and consistency: sugar cane. Sugar cane “reeds” impregnated with exotic, refreshing flavors. The reeds are sucked on, pleasurably releasing the flavor of the cocktails. More than just sucking, the guest eats the sugar cane, causing the inebriating juice of mojito and caipirinha to pour out, providing a magical sensation whisking us away to an idyllic paradise drenched in happiness.

La Recette


For the sugar cane rectangle
5 pieces of fresh sugar (20 cm long)

For the mojito canes
10 sugar cane rectangles (prev. prep.)
150 g aged rum
15 fresh mint leaves
1 vacuum bag

For the caipirinha canes
10 sugar cane rectangles (prev. prep.)
150 g cachaça
1 vacuum bag

20 g de Demerara sugar
5 g granulated citric acid
50 g lime juice
Grated lime peel
10 fresh mint leaves
1000 g crushed ice


Sugar cane rectangle:

1. Saw the sugar canes following their natural separations (not less than 8 cm).
2. With a knife, cut the bark of the sugar cane in order to peel it.
3. Cut the tender internal part into 7 x 1 cm rectangles.
4. The idea is to have 20 sugar cane rectangles.

Mojito canes:

1. Put the sugar cane rectangles into a vacuum bag together with the aged rum and the mint leaves.
2. Vacuum-pack totally (100%) and keep in the fridge for 24 hours.

Caipirinha canes:

1. Put the sugar cane rectangles into a vacuum bag together with the cachaça.
Vacuum-pack totally (100%) and keep in the fridge for 24 hours.


1. Remove the two types of canes from their liquid.
2. With a knife, make a 1,5 cm vertical incision in the upper part of the mojito canes. Insert a mint leaf in the centre.
3. Spread a bit of Demerara sugar, grated lime peel and lime juice over all the canes.
4. Place 2 citric acid crystals into the mojito canes.
5. Fill two flowerpot plates with the crushed ice and plant 5 mojito canes and 5 caipirinha canes into each of them.

HOW TO TASTE: Take the canes with your fingers and suck them while chewing to extract all the cocktail juice. Don’t eat the cane.

Canes: Mojito and Caipirinha

Canes: Mojito and Caipirinha
El Bulli
Cuisinier: Ferran Adriá
Pays: Spain
Localité: 17480 Roses (Girona)
Adresse: Cala Montjoi, a 7km. del centro urbano
(+34) 972150457

We’d like to award another facet of Ferran Adrià by which he has yet again made history: the edible cocktail. For many years now he has begun his endless tasting menus with attractive cocktails that were more or less solid, tactile evanescence being one of the qualities that the genius from Roses has always worked on developing, that and sapid immaculateness. We could never forget the original, exquisite version of the gin fizz, the first gin fizz, and a night in which we had five in a row, but now there is another that has taken its place, given the name snow-fizz, very techno, that is consumed by hand and is half broken by the time it reaches your mouth. A jewel like any of the other fifty dishes tasted this year at El Bulli. Snow-fizz, cactus margarita, cosmopolitan: grape and currant tea, Campari with peanut-mimetics… and the best, excuse us, the most brilliant, “canes”: mojito and caipirinha. The most brilliant and the one we liked the most, although that may be subjective, since so much of why we love the caipirinha and mojito stems from the gorgeous drinks we remember from our trips to Brazil and Cuba. Hundreds and even thousands of caipirinhas and mojitos have been put to shame by the exquisite versions presented to us by the best chef in history. Never has a mojito or caipirinha tasted so good, not even close. Hundreds and even thousands of caipirinhas and mojitos have been not only overshadowed in terms of palate but in concept as well. The alchemist of textures has given them another being, another body and consistency: sugar cane. Sugar cane “reeds” impregnated with exotic, refreshing flavors. The reeds are sucked on, pleasurably releasing the flavor of the cocktails. More than just sucking, the guest eats the sugar cane, causing the inebriating juice of mojito and caipirinha to pour out, providing a magical sensation whisking us away to an idyllic paradise drenched in happiness.

La Recette


For the sugar cane rectangle
5 pieces of fresh sugar (20 cm long)

For the mojito canes
10 sugar cane rectangles (prev. prep.)
150 g aged rum
15 fresh mint leaves
1 vacuum bag

For the caipirinha canes
10 sugar cane rectangles (prev. prep.)
150 g cachaça
1 vacuum bag

20 g de Demerara sugar
5 g granulated citric acid
50 g lime juice
Grated lime peel
10 fresh mint leaves
1000 g crushed ice


Sugar cane rectangle:

1. Saw the sugar canes following their natural separations (not less than 8 cm).
2. With a knife, cut the bark of the sugar cane in order to peel it.
3. Cut the tender internal part into 7 x 1 cm rectangles.
4. The idea is to have 20 sugar cane rectangles.

Mojito canes:

1. Put the sugar cane rectangles into a vacuum bag together with the aged rum and the mint leaves.
2. Vacuum-pack totally (100%) and keep in the fridge for 24 hours.

Caipirinha canes:

1. Put the sugar cane rectangles into a vacuum bag together with the cachaça.
Vacuum-pack totally (100%) and keep in the fridge for 24 hours.


1. Remove the two types of canes from their liquid.
2. With a knife, make a 1,5 cm vertical incision in the upper part of the mojito canes. Insert a mint leaf in the centre.
3. Spread a bit of Demerara sugar, grated lime peel and lime juice over all the canes.
4. Place 2 citric acid crystals into the mojito canes.
5. Fill two flowerpot plates with the crushed ice and plant 5 mojito canes and 5 caipirinha canes into each of them.

HOW TO TASTE: Take the canes with your fingers and suck them while chewing to extract all the cocktail juice. Don’t eat the cane.

Canes: Mojito and Caipirinha

Canes: Mojito and Caipirinha
El Bulli
Cuisinier: Ferran Adriá
Pays: Spain
Localité: 17480 Roses (Girona)
Adresse: Cala Montjoi, a 7km. del centro urbano
(+34) 972150457

We’d like to award another facet of Ferran Adrià by which he has yet again made history: the edible cocktail. For many years now he has begun his endless tasting menus with attractive cocktails that were more or less solid, tactile evanescence being one of the qualities that the genius from Roses has always worked on developing, that and sapid immaculateness. We could never forget the original, exquisite version of the gin fizz, the first gin fizz, and a night in which we had five in a row, but now there is another that has taken its place, given the name snow-fizz, very techno, that is consumed by hand and is half broken by the time it reaches your mouth. A jewel like any of the other fifty dishes tasted this year at El Bulli. Snow-fizz, cactus margarita, cosmopolitan: grape and currant tea, Campari with peanut-mimetics… and the best, excuse us, the most brilliant, “canes”: mojito and caipirinha. The most brilliant and the one we liked the most, although that may be subjective, since so much of why we love the caipirinha and mojito stems from the gorgeous drinks we remember from our trips to Brazil and Cuba. Hundreds and even thousands of caipirinhas and mojitos have been put to shame by the exquisite versions presented to us by the best chef in history. Never has a mojito or caipirinha tasted so good, not even close. Hundreds and even thousands of caipirinhas and mojitos have been not only overshadowed in terms of palate but in concept as well. The alchemist of textures has given them another being, another body and consistency: sugar cane. Sugar cane “reeds” impregnated with exotic, refreshing flavors. The reeds are sucked on, pleasurably releasing the flavor of the cocktails. More than just sucking, the guest eats the sugar cane, causing the inebriating juice of mojito and caipirinha to pour out, providing a magical sensation whisking us away to an idyllic paradise drenched in happiness.

La Recette


For the sugar cane rectangle
5 pieces of fresh sugar (20 cm long)

For the mojito canes
10 sugar cane rectangles (prev. prep.)
150 g aged rum
15 fresh mint leaves
1 vacuum bag

For the caipirinha canes
10 sugar cane rectangles (prev. prep.)
150 g cachaça
1 vacuum bag

20 g de Demerara sugar
5 g granulated citric acid
50 g lime juice
Grated lime peel
10 fresh mint leaves
1000 g crushed ice


Sugar cane rectangle:

1. Saw the sugar canes following their natural separations (not less than 8 cm).
2. With a knife, cut the bark of the sugar cane in order to peel it.
3. Cut the tender internal part into 7 x 1 cm rectangles.
4. The idea is to have 20 sugar cane rectangles.

Mojito canes:

1. Put the sugar cane rectangles into a vacuum bag together with the aged rum and the mint leaves.
2. Vacuum-pack totally (100%) and keep in the fridge for 24 hours.

Caipirinha canes:

1. Put the sugar cane rectangles into a vacuum bag together with the cachaça.
Vacuum-pack totally (100%) and keep in the fridge for 24 hours.


1. Remove the two types of canes from their liquid.
2. With a knife, make a 1,5 cm vertical incision in the upper part of the mojito canes. Insert a mint leaf in the centre.
3. Spread a bit of Demerara sugar, grated lime peel and lime juice over all the canes.
4. Place 2 citric acid crystals into the mojito canes.
5. Fill two flowerpot plates with the crushed ice and plant 5 mojito canes and 5 caipirinha canes into each of them.

HOW TO TASTE: Take the canes with your fingers and suck them while chewing to extract all the cocktail juice. Don’t eat the cane.

Foie gras con Bizcocho de Almendras Amargas

Foie gras con Bizcocho de Almendras Amargas
Las Rejas
Cuisinier: Manolo de la Osa
Pays: España
Localité: 16660 Las Pedroñeras (Cuenca)
Adresse: General Borrero, 49
(+34) 967161089


Foie 300gr.
Sal, pimienta, cacao, Pedro Ximénez
Brotes de acelga roja y remolacha


3 huevos
Aceite de oliva
100gr harina
100gr. de azúcar pasta de almendra
Esencia almendra amarga


Hacer un bizcocho con los ingredientes que tenemos y cocinar al horno.

Limpiar el foie y macerar en leche de almendras. Cocerlo a modo de una terrina, añadiendo los ingredientes.
Montaje del plato según foto.